Register of Electors 2019

LAND DRAINAGE ACT, 1991 – The Land Drainage (Election of Drainage Boards) Regulations 1938 No. 558 as amended by the Land Drainage (Election of Drainage Boards) (Amendment) Regulations 1977 No. 366.

Register of Electors 2019

Notice is hereby given that the Register of Electors for the above named Internal Drainage Board was approved by the Board on 22nd May 2019 and that the Register may be inspected at 91 Bridgegate, Howden, Goole, DN14 7JJ by persons interested between the hours of 9 am and 4.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Dated this ninth day of September 2019.


Andrew McLachlan

Chief Executive, Clerk to the Board and Returning Officer

91 Bridgegate, Howden, Goole, DN14 7JJ